Friday, October 1, 2010

New TV shows

So the major TV networks are advertising their new shows like crazy.  I've caught a few pilots episodes and thought I would share ones we've enjoyed and think have potential.  It should be noted that one bad episode could change my opinion very quickly:

The Event (NBC) - Drama.
This was recommended to me as "it's as if LOST and 24 had a baby".  That could be a great thing or it could cause me to stop watching within a few weeks because its not going anywhere.  So far so good.

Hawaii Five-0 (CBS) - Action/Crime Drama
I honestly thought this was going to be terrible but we are two episodes in and it is quite entertaining.  Airs at 10:00 PM EST when not much else is on (but may be too late for some people). The first two episodes are available online at

Outsourced (NBC) - Comedy
This show only adds to NBC's dominating Thursday night of comedy (Community, The Office, 30 Rock).  It has the potential of being racially insensitive so I am cautiously optimistic - I hope it turns out to create a better understanding of Indian culture (and be very funny at the same time).

The Defenders (CBS) - Court Drama
Surprisingly entertaining court room drama (with lots of humor).  If you are looking for something new to watch check it out - if you are not, don't add another show to your list (if you are like us, you probably feel like you watch too much TV as it is).

We watched pilot episodes from a few other shows and gave up really quickly.  Any new shows caught your attention?

1 comment:

  1. Surprisingly, I like the Event the best so far...and I hate Lost and 24, so it's odd that I like their child so much.
